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Alpena County Youth and Recreation Committee Begins Grant Proposal Presentations Early June

“The Alpena County Youth and Recreation Committee was established in 2009 after a millage of one-half mill for four years, and then it got repeated and refunded for the last 15 years.  It is helping the county and also programing for youth and recreation. Applicants have an opportunity to present their requests, it’ll be June 6th,” Chairman of the Alpena County Youth and Recreation Committee, Tony Suszek said. “This year, the groups will present to the committee all summer long, and then we’ll make a decision on September 19th. We’ve had 38 applications, $1,055,000 worth of grant requests. We’ll be able to give out about $500,000,” he said.

Presenting can change everything. “Sometimes when they present, it changes our minds. There’s testimony given and testimonials given that are heart wrenching. So, it really changes our ideas about that grant and it’s a matter of them getting a grant or not. We let everybody present. ” Said Suszek.