Sunrise Center Will Build A New Facility In The Spring
The Sunrise Rehabilitation Center is set to undergo an extreme makeover. The current plan is so tear down the current facility on Walnut Street and build a brand new fully modern rehabilitation center to effectively and efficiently treat people dealing with substance abuse or mental health issues.
Madeleine McConnell the Executive Director of the Sunrise Center said, “It’s just a very dated facility that does not really have the space or the quality of the space that we want to provide to people that are coming here to seek recovery from substance abuse or co–occurring mental health disorders.”
While talking to Madeleine, she details one of the struggles they face. Currently the men facility and women facility are separated in two different buildings across from each other by a parking lot. She said, “That poses some pretty significant challenges for smooth access to care because all of our clinical services are right here in this building. So, we either have to go across the parking lot to provide those services or they have to come over here and that’s just not as accessible as we would like it to be.
Madeleine also detailed what the future, more modern rehabilitation facility will look like. She stated, “So, our new building will have more clinical office space so that we can have more counselors but also so our counselors can have the appropriate space to meet the needs of the clients that their serving.” She adds, “We will also have, of course, ADA compliant treatment rooms so that individuals with any kind of physical limitations can also appropriately access our treatment services here.”
Sunrise Center also plans on adding a recreational space because some of the clients spend about 30 days and some cases up to 120 days. The Sunrise Center facility you know in recent years has been converted from a convent with the catholic church in the 70’s when it was re–imagined to the current facility you know now.