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Impeachment trial to begin Tuesday

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Senate is set to begin their trial on Tuesday, Feb. 9 to convict former President Donald Trump for high crimes and misdemeanors relating to the January insurrection on the U.S Capitol.

Trump’s lawyers for the trial released their Answer to the House of Representatives writs of impeachment this morning, claiming that House Democrats are playing political theatre with the riot that took five lives two weeks prior to Trump leaving office. His legal team also states that his speech on Jan. 6 was protected by the first amendment, and that it is unconstitutional for Congress to convict a private citizen.

This second impeachment trial will decide whether or not Trump can run for office again in 2024. To begin the trial tomorrow, the Senate will hear a debate and vote on whether prosecuting a former President is constitutional. On Wednesday debate begins; Trump’s legal team and the House Impeachment Managers will each have 16 hours of presentation on the Senate floor. Senators are able to ask questions and debate themselves during this time.

Debate will continue throughout the week and will no longer recess at 5 p.m. Friday through Sunday.