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First of Two CTE Advisory Meeting on October 26th

Alpena High School’s Career & Technical Educations Program was designed to meet the needs of businesses and industries within our community and state. The CTE Program allows kids to learn skills like leadership skills, classroom training, college credit, customer service skills, teamwork opportunities, work–based learning, but more importantly it gives the students a peek into their potential futures.

Amy Attwell the CTE Career Navigator of Alpena High School said, “Giving the students a hands on experience into something they’re interested in, allows them to, it opens their eyes, it’s like a lens looking into this.” Amy adds, “‘Yeah I’m interested in fixing cars, but what does that mean, what does that entail, what am I going to have to do? Is this something I want to do for the rest of my life, is this a career that I want.’ So it gives them [students] that first little step into that world.”

Of course none of the accomplishments from the CTE Program or the students would be possible without the 80 or so current members of the CTE Advisory Committees.

The primary purpose of the advisors is to guide Alpena High School and their students with the CTE Program in order to see continuous program improvement. However, members can also serve as valuable mentors as well. CTE Program Director Joyce McCoy emphasizes why local business owners should join the CTE Program.

“If you’re a business owner in town and you want to find a great employee, come in and see our kids and the best way to do that is to become a part of our Career & Technical Advisory Committee. the next CEO or CFO or Manager of your plant might be sitting in our seats today.” Joyce also said if you’re new to town or found some free time and can help at Alpena High School to please feel free to be a part of the CTE Advisory Committee and offer your expertise, up–to–date technology, or simply be a mentor to the kids.

The first of two CTE Advisory Committee meeting is set to take place on October 26th. If you are local business owner and you would like to offer up your expertise, up-to-date technologies from your specific industry, or you want to help mentor the students from Alpena High, then you can contact Amy Attwell the CTE Career Navigator at her school email at