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If you’re looking for a last minute gift idea, here’s something you can make at home. First, you need to assemble the following items: a blank canvas paints, a paintbrush, tape, ping pong balls and a box that you can line on the bottom with paper.

After you have all the materials, grab the ping pong ball and roll it in the color paint(s) of your choice and evenly distribution it on the ball. The following step is to take the piece of canvas board and put it inside of the box. After this, take your ping pong balls and place it onto the canvas.

After placing the balls on the canvas, tape up the box and shake the box so that the colors and the ping pong balls make a little nice abstract painting. You can shake the box  for as long as you want, but in the demonstration I shoot for about 15-30 seconds.

Lastly, open up the box and see what abstract artwork you just made. I recommend letting it dry for at least an hour. This is the type of piece that you can give to your significant other, a family member, or any other important person in your life just in time for any special occasion.