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Two State Representatives Introduce Changes to Deer Baiting Ban

Two Michigan house representatives are introducing legislation that would change the state’s deer baiting ban.

State Representatives Matthew Bierlein of the 97th district and Mike Hoadley of the 99th propose allowing baiting in some circumstances. That would include requiring a free license, not using more than 10 gallons of bait at any time, and only using one bait per site location.

Both representatives say this measure would respect hunters in a state where it is largely part of the history. “Hunting helps conserve our environment, provides recreation, and stimulates many local economies,” said Bierlein. “The current ban in place doesn’t respect these truths and is actively discouraging people from engaging in this activity.”

With these bills, The DNR would still be able to limit or prohibit baiting in an area if there is a high risk of disease. “No one wants to see our state’s deer population ravaged by disease, which is why these bills will continue to allow the Department of Natural Resources to provide oversight and limit or omit management areas deemed to be higher risk,” said Hoadley.

Currently, deer baiting is banned throughout the entire lower peninsula.