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Pros and cons of auto no-fault reform

ALPENA, Mich. — Are Michiganders who are choosing other forms of insurance under the auto no–fault reform really benefiting?  According to the insurance alliance of Michigan, 17 percent of drivers are choosing other levels of insurance, 13 percent are currently unknown, and 70 percent are continuing to carry unlimited, lifetime medical benefits.  What does this really mean for drivers?

Lappan Agency Account Executive Quintin Meek said there are pros and cons to opting for other levels of coverage.  He said the only benefit of opting out is you save money.   He adds should you have an accident resulting in a catastrophe, opting in eliminates financial strain.

Until last year, drivers were forced to purchase unlimited, lifetime medical benefits.  Michigan auto insurance climbed to the highest in the country as a result.

This summer drivers with unlimited coverage will pay $86 down from $220 in 2019.  Drivers choosing other forms of coverage will pay nothing.