Alpena, MichiganLocal Weather Alerts
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Possible 90 For Thursday & Friday

Alpena MI – For today humidity values were higher creating a heat index, it made it feel like it was in the 90s today all around (Not Air Temperature). So if you have any kids, toddlers, or pets around make sure that they are not left in the car. For your night tonight we will continue to see partly cloudy skies with a slight change of a showers and a thunderstorm lows dropping into the mid to upper 50s, some inland areas will bottom out in the lower 60s. For tomorrow we will the heat crank up again with temperatures hitting 90 degrees, but there is a slight chance of seeing a pop up shower & thunderstorm everyday the rest of the work week, not everyone will see these. It’s something to keep in mind as you go to work or run errands.

Meteorologist Ryan Crump