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MIDLAND, Mich. –  MidMichigan Health said it is easing its visitor restrictions beginning Wednesday, Jan. 27.  In a statement, MidMichigan said the change is in response to COVID-19 hospitalizations and community cases of the virus decreasing. Visiting hours for Medical Center Inpatient Units will now be held daily from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Behavioral Health Units remain daily from 6 to 8 p.m., and visitors of patients in Specialized Care Units are to check with the nurse’s station to determine appropriate visiting times.

“We recognize that an important aspect of care and healing is having a family member or support person with our patients whenever possible,” said Diane Postler-Slattery, Ph.D., FACHE, president and CEO, MidMichigan Health. “We have been carefully monitoring the number of state and local cases and are pleased to see a steady decline. However, the safety of our patients, visitors and employees is our priority. While we will ease our visitor restrictions, our protocols for health screening, universal masking and social distancing in our facilities will remain in place.”

Based on current available COVID-19 data, MidMichigan’s visitor policy has been updated to the following:


  • Each inpatient who is not COVID positive is allowed 2 visitors/support persons at a time.
  • Maternity inpatients may have 1 support person plus a doula. Due to space limitations, support persons may be further restricted during triage, outpatient visits or special procedures.
  • Due to space limitations, some waiting rooms may be closed or restricted in number of visitors. Inpatient visitations should occur in the patient room.
  • Pediatric patients may have 2 parents or legal guardians

Emergency Departments

  • Only 1 visitor per patient, unless therapeutic to the patient and approved by the staff.
  • Pediatric patients may have 2 parents or legal guardians

Doctor’s Offices, Outpatient and Surgical Departments

  • Patients who are not COVID-19 positive or suspect may designate 1 support person during outpatient visits, such as doctor appointments or testing.
  • Pediatric patients may have 2 parents or legal guardians

For patient support outside of the defined visiting guidelines, if the care team determines a visitor is essential to support the communication between the care team and a patient with developmental delay, significant cognitive or physical impairment and/or for the care of the patient, one visitor may be allowed. Additional consideration for a visitor will be given to patient circumstance around informed consent, hospice care or end of life decisions.

In addition, as with current practice, visitors/support persons must be 16 or older and first screen negative for symptoms of respiratory infection. These symptoms include: fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, or diarrhea. Then, upon entry, masks must be worn throughout the duration of the visit.

“Masking remains a critical tool to help stop the spread of COVID-19, especially for those who may be asymptomatic and not aware they carry the virus,” said Poster-Slattery. “That is why we implemented a universal masking policy. Patients, visitors and support persons on site at our facilities must wear a properly fitting mask that covers the nose and mouth at all times. This includes all persons who have also received the COVID-19 vaccine. For those unable to wear a mask for medical reasons, a face shield will be provided.”

In addition to visitor limitations, entry screening and universal masking, MidMichigan continues to follow other COVID-19 prevention protocols at all of its facilities. These additional steps include cleaning and sanitizing measures, and modification of waiting rooms and reception areas to accommodate social distancing.

MidMichigan offers several free electronic communication services that can help family and friends keep in touch while these visiting limitations are in effect:

  • E-Cards ( – Send electronic greetings to inpatients.
  • Guest Wireless Internet Access ( – Free wireless Internet access is available at all MidMichigan facilities. Healthy adult visitors at these sites may wish to bring a laptop or wireless device to communicate with family and friends via e-mail.
  • Telephone – All inpatient and nursing home rooms have phones with free local calls. Visitors may also use their cell phones in designated areas.

As a service to the community, MidMichigan Health hosts a COVID-19 informational hotline with a reminder of CDC guidelines and recommendations. Staff is also available to help answer community questions Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The hotline can be reached toll-free at (800) 445-7356 or
(989) 794-7600. In addition, inquiries can be sent to MidMichigan Health via Facebook messenger at More information can also be found at

Those interested in a current list of COVID-19 testing site locations may visit