Hillman Schools Pushes for Millage Renewal Next Week
Alpena isn’t the only school in the area looking to pass a millage this month.
Hillman Schools is looking to renew theirs, and one week from now, voters will have the opportunity to do so. According to Superintendent Pamela Rader, the millage is absolutely necessary if they want to continue operating how they have been.
90 percent of the funding goes towards staff payroll and not just teachers. “The bus drivers that pick your kids up every morning and bring them home, cafeteria workers that are staff. We need them,” Rader said. “We need them in the classroom. We try our best to give our students as many opportunities and we’ve even added courses like CTE.”
It’s the same amount of taxes as previous years, $18.39 on every $1,000 of taxable value. If not passed, it leaves many questions on how the district would pay their teachers.