Christmas Tree Season Is Just Around The Corner
With just over a month until Christmas, many are beginning to look at options into buying their holiday tree and all of their Christmas decorations. At Huron View Tree Farm, they’ve been preparing for the holiday season since October, but growing the trees for years. Carrol Cantor, Christmas barn manager at Huron View Tree Farm said, “There’s always people that want the fresh smell of greens and pines in their house and want to carry on the tradition of cutting their own trees, and every year we have the same people that have been coming here for twenty years and getting their trees and bringing their dogs.”
And while this year’s cooler fall temperatures have kept the greens fresh, a recent challenge has developed with growing the trees. Bob Szuber, Huron View Tree Farm manager said, “The biggest thing is the overpopulation of deer getting into my Fraiser Fir and eating those in the winter. That’s my biggest challenge right now and there’s really not much I can do about it, a little bit more help from the hunters would be nice but it is what it is, fortunately they don’t eat every variety I grow, they only eat Frasier Fir which of course is the number one tree.”
Despite these challenges, the teamwork makes the busy season fly by. The team has a history together, Cantor recalls this, “My crew, we’ve been together a long time, oh over ten years.”Szuber agrees and said, “Fortunately, it’s not all me, I have great help, for me to sit here and say it’s all me, me, me, or I, I, I, would be a big lie.”
While Christmas is the busiest season, the farm operates year round and also provides landscape trees. They’ve already produced thousands of garlands, ropes, and kissing balls for the holiday season and will start U-Cut Christmas tree season in the upcoming weeks.