Benefits of Getting Your Flu Shot and Avoiding the “Flu Bug”
Now that students are back in school and fall is here, the flu will be lurking right around the corner as the winter months loom.
LeFave Pharmacy in Alpena is offering flu shots now, and there are benefits of getting it early.
“We’ve already seen the flu circulating, so if you’ve had your flu shot, you might have been protected against catching it from someone who has it, whereas if you would have waited until October or November before peak season, then you could have still gotten it this month,” said Jaime Bailey, a pharmacist at LeFave Pharmacy.
Getting your flu shot as early as possible will keep you healthy throughout the winter months, keeping away the dreaded “flu bug.”
“I’m mean, and I’m uglier each year, so get your flu shot,” said Patrick Atwell, a pharmacy technician, who was dressed as the “flu bug.”
Some people may be forgetful or even hesitant to get their flu shot when the time comes, but making a brief stop to the pharmacy can prevent a winter’s worth of illness.
“Especially in kids getting sick, missing days of school, missing days of work, if people are worried about side effects from the vaccine, it’s next to none,” said Bailey. “It can spare you from being sick from the flu for two weeks at a time, missing one week, two weeks of school. Wouldn’t you come to the pharmacy for 15 minutes to prevent two weeks of sickness?”
The more people who get their flu shot create larger herd immunity. But if people don’t, the “flu bug” will only get stronger.
Flu shots are now available at LeFave Pharmacy by walk in, no appointment necessary.