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Alcona, Hawes, & Caledonia Townships Seek Input for Master Plan

The Tri-Township Planning Commission was established to create consistency in zoning around Hubbard Lake, as Alcona Township, Caledonia Township, and Hawes Township share equal jurisdiction there.

Their tri-county master plan was created to determine what all three townships are looking for out of their communities, and right now, they are looking for citizen input on that plan.

“We work together so that each community has input on how everything goes together so it’s done uniformly so that things are not different between the communities,” said Dan LeClair, Caledonia Township Planning Commission Chair.

They have put out a survey to each of the three townships with several questions regarding how satisfied people are with services provided, housing accessibility, what they feel the townships are doing well and what they could improve upon.

“The only way we can know what the public’s future plans or thoughts or desires are for our township is if they respond to our survey so that we can gather the information, gather the data, and come up with a good plan for all three communities together,” said Caledonia Township Supervisor Cyndi Apsey.

The population in each of the three townships has grown, which is a big reason why they are putting out the survey. With so many new people, they are seeking input from those not familiar with the area as well, hoping to know what they are trying to get out of their new community.

“There’s a new batch of people coming in to the community that really haven’t put in their input into what we want in our future in the community, and this is what we are really looking to get, some of the new ideas from our new residents,” said LeClair.

A lot of the new residents are people who work from home, which provides several challenges. One of the challenges facing the townships is how to get them out into the community.

“All the things we’re putting in place for recreation are barrier–free, so we’re very sensitive to providing recreation for any level of ability,” said Alcona Township Supervisor Marlena MacNeill.

A link to the survey can be found here.