Wilson Elementary Student Receives Imagine Math Honor
All six elementary schools in Alpena Public Schools compete in Imagine Math, an online mathematics challenge; but one third grader at Wilson Elementary has gone above and beyond to earn 140,000 think points. Spencer Cook, third grades student at Wilson Elementary said, “I don’t like look around, I stay focused and do it. And if I need help, because some stuff is tough, I ask for help.”
This strategy was so successful that he was named to be an Imagine Math National Thoughtful Thinker. After all of his hard work, Spencer decided to donate his points. “The one thing that Imagine Math does which is really great, is they take those points and turn it into money,” said Jennifer Marceau, Wilson Elementary School principal. “So he earned 140,000 points but they take 5,000 of those points, and each 5,000 of those points is a dollar.”
This month’s donations went to PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center. Principal Marceau hopes this will encourage other students to follow Spencer’s lead. “I’m a little bit competitive,” said Marceau. “So right now, Wilson School is at the top of passing lessons, and I hope we continue to stay at the top. So, Spencer has helped the motivation here at Wilson to keep moving and hopefully donate more to the charities too.”
Students will continue this program throughout the school year and can complete Imagine Math problems in school and at home to help improve their mathematics skills and also gain points.