Thunder Bay International Film Festival Offers Sneak Peek of Lineup
The Thunder Bay International Film Festival is kicking off in a couple weeks, and today they held a sneak peek of their film lineup at the National Marine Sanctuary for a small audience.
The Association of Lifelong Learners was in attendance for a viewing of the nine films being shown at the film festival in just a couple weeks. It’s the first year the Marine Sanctuary is able to hold the event in person since the pandemic. Filmmakers from all over the world are showing their projects at the event, educating people about all sorts of different maritime related topics.
“You really can’t replace the feeling of being in a theater, watching it with your popcorn and your snacks, and experiencing it with people next to you,” said Cassandra Sadler, a Research Preservation Specialist at Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary.
The Maritime Center is hoping people have a great time, and learn new things about the ocean and the issues it’s facing.
“I hope people take away some of the larger more pressing issues that are featured in some of these films, and I hope they have a joy for film and film festivals,” Sadler said.
The film festival officially begins on January 26, and ends on January 30.