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Safety tips for the 4th of July

ALPENA, Mich. — Families everywhere have plans for food, fun, and fireworks this weekend but one thing that should be at the top of that list is safety.

This 4th of July people will enjoy all kind of activities like boating, long drives and water sports.   Dry See’s CEO Brad Greer provided a few safety tips.  He said whether piloting a boat or driving a car, one particular safety precaution applies to both and that is to have a First Aid Kit on hand.

Greer said 43 percent of Americans travel without one.  He adds a First Aid Kit will save you if injured by fireworks.  He also says to prepare a kit that includes alcohol wipes, bandages, dressings and lidocaine for sunburn.

Most importantly, Greer said do not swim with an open wound if you don’t have a good waterproof bandage or dressing.  Doing so can lead to a serious infection.