Voters approve Alpena Public Schools bond proposal
ALPENA, Mich. — The Alpena Public Schools bond proposal was approved by taxpayers Tuesday with by nearly 3,000 votes.
APS has been trying to get taxpayers on board to help repair schools for more than a year now, but this year’s zero-mil increase seemed to work for voters. Superintendent of the district, Dr. John VanWagoner, says he’s grateful the community showed up for students this time around.
“Our hope is just to win the trust of our taxpayers to make sure that when we have these projects that are very specific that have been approved by the state that we don’t veer from those things and that we really work to have those basic needs of keeping our kids safe, warm, and dry.”
VanWagoner also says taxpayers can expect to start seeing changes wihtin local schools in the near future. He says the first building that needs attention is Ella White Elementary, and bids on other large projects will follow.
“The boilers are just really on their last leg. We’re worried about them even it making through still what’s left here of winter. So our hope is that we have the ability to get that project started and done before school would start. It’s going to be a tight timeline to try and get bids and everything out there and for our board to review those, but we’re going to give it a try.”
If you want to stay updated on what’s happening within the district, the APS website will continually be updated as progress is made. That includes everything from the bids, through project completion.