Unprecedented Summer for Boys and Girls Club of Alpena
In 2019, the Alpena Boys and Girls Club saw about 275 kids sign up for the summer program with about 100 kids showing up every day. This summer, they had almost 600 kids sign up.
During their time with the club, the kids have the chance to get active out in the community while learning life lessons from the mentors and volunteers that guide them along the way. It can make a huge difference in their lives. “A lot of it is because of the wonderful staff that we have here and making this place feel like a second home for so many kids,” said Brad Somers, director of the Alpena Boys and Girls Club. “Taking that extra time to have that one on one time with the kids and build that rapport, it speaks volumes.”
The club also had the opportunity to go on a lot more field trips this year, including one to Mackinac Island. “[It] was an incredible opportunity,” said Somers. “The biggest most well coordinated special event we’ve ever run when it comes to field trips for the kids. We had 72 kids, 88 people all together, and it went extraordinarily well.”
The club house building was at max capacity for almost the whole summer, and a new location with more space is currently in the works.