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The New Sunrise Senior Center Being Constructed in Lincoln

A new senior center is being constructed in Lincoln. “We’re building a community center slash senior center. It will have a large gym that will have basketball, pickleball and volleyball,” Construction Manager Andy Shaw said. The Alcona County Commission on Aging received a grant to build the Sunrise Center, and construction is in progress. “As you enter, we’ll have a big, beautiful entrance for the fireplace. It’s going to be just really comfortable and hopefully very inviting. So, they’ll have a brand-new kitchen and dining area. They can have events and then a whole new office area for the ACC,” said Shaw.

The timeline for completion is mid fall for this mega senior complex, “We will have a large fitness area with all sorts of new gym equipment, a very nice loading area for the ACC, so they’ll be able to bring their Meals on Wheels vehicles inside the area. This is the Alcona County Commission on Aging. They own this and they’ll operate it. They are a 501 c 3, that does all things senior, and they prepare the Meals on Wheels. They have regular events,” he said.