Revolutionizing Resolutions with Bay Athletic Club
When you think of New Year’s resolutions, you think of the common ones – getting in shape, working out, and eating healthy. What you also probably think about, is people who make those resolutions bailing on them pretty fast.
At Bay Athletic Club in Alpena, they’re trying to do away with that notion, providing habits and routines that people can get into to keep some consistency in taking care of their fitness and health.
“So much of life is tiny little habits stacked on each other, and I think here at the gym we do a really good job of talking to people about their lifestyle and not just their squats and lunges,” said Trina Gray, owner of Bay Athletic Club in Alpena.
The fitness industry has progressed in terms of redefining what it means to be healthy and how to go about it, and that starts with going about fitness beyond the weight room.
“We’re really looking at people’s wellness and their lifestyle,” Gray said. “We consider Bay Athletic Club an athletic club, a wellness facility, a place for people to build better lives, not just better bodies.”
Some gyms operate on the basis that their members come in, work out, and leave. But not Bay Athletic Club. They’re a little more hands on than that. They allow members to fit their routines around their own schedule.
“Resolutions get a bad rap, because people assume that means a complete overhaul of somebody’s life, and I really think we’ve progressed past that as a society, certainly here at Bay Athletic Club,” Gray said. “We’re not telling anybody to turn their world upside down. The kind of habits that are simple and easy for people to hold on to, are the ones that can stick.”
The target audience for the gym wasn’t your typical image of a gym–goer, either. They wanted to attract the type of person who didn’t think fitness was for them.
“We want to help that person live a more joyful, stress–free, movement–based life, and I think this facility is a great place for that,” Gray said.
Gray wants people to turn the page on the New Year and say, “Why not me? Why not now?”