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Looking at emerging technology to analyze sinkholes and the Great Lakes

Marine scientists and researchers use a variety of high-tech tools to understand life below the surface.

Alpena, Mich. — Head below the surface on Thursday night and learn about technology used to explore sinkholes and the Great Lakes.

Steve Ruberg from the Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab will present on the technology used to help scientists have a better understanding of different sinkholes and ecosystems within the Great Lakes.

“More and more, we’re using that technology to one, identify shipwrecks, but also, to identify other things, like with the sinkholes” said Katie Wolf, director of Friends of Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary. “We have researchers who are looking at different microorganisms that could potentially give us an answer to certain diseases or even a better understanding of how life on earth began.”

This presentation will fill up so arrive early to grab a seat at the Great Lakes Maritime Heritage Center Theater. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the talk begins at 7:00 p.m.

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