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What started as a small project at an elementary school in Oscoda has grown into a county wide project in Iosco County. Elisa Seltzer, RRS Senior Consultant, said, “We are exploring different possible sites for recycling bins, so that residents of Iosco County can bring the recyclables conveniently to any site that is accessible to them and keep the recyclables out of the landfill.” She said, “We’re helping Iosco County figure out where the best sites are, where is there enough room, and what kind of improvements do we have to make, to make them decent sites?”

Elisa Seltzer, RRS Senior Consultant

Sometimes the smallest ideas can turn into the biggest surprises, and the change to the current recycling plans in Iosco County is really just that, a small idea from an elementary school project that’s become so much more. Joshua Sutton, Oscoda Township Clerk, said, “Kindergarten, First, and Second Graders started it, and Scott Moore, our school Superintendent, brought it to me. We looked at what we’d have to do for recycling. I reached out to our Superintendent of Zoning, Jamie Carruthers, from our county. Now it’s a county wide initiative so that everybody in Iosco County will have the ability to recycle.” He said, “It started just as a way for our community to do it. Now we have RRS coming in to help us county wide, put in all these sites so everybody will be able to recycle and we won’t be putting that stuff in the woods anymore.”

With Oscoda and the county of Iosco taking the chance to change and make a positive impact on the environment, leaders in that field were needed, so they made a plan of attack to execute. Seltzer said, “RRS stands for Resource Recycling Systems, and we are a consulting firm based in Ann Arbor, but we have consultants all over the place and we only focus on materials management.” She said, “So all we do is how to keep recyclables out of the landfill, how to get materials back into better use. So we have a long history and lots of experience, and are excited to work with Iosco County to develop a program.”