High school senior gains hope, professional career before graduating
ALPENA, Mich. — A new class at Alpena High School opened the door to a student’s professional career months before graduating. WBKB reporter Elijah Baker spoke with Steven Saddler, who says, the mechatronics program gifted him with a future.
Steven knows a lot more about the basics of engineering than most of us out of high school. He has no background in the field, but he’s learning it right as he wraps up his senior year.
The technology intrigues him so much, Steven did everything he could to get ahead despite his past failures. “There were times I didn’t know I was going to graduate,” he said. “I’m not the best high school student.”
Even though Steven never reached that 4.0 GPA, he got his hands on a field he never thought twice about.
“If it wasn’t for this class I wouldn’t have a job.”
Steven’s job will pay for his tuition, room and board, books and deposit 200 dollars in his bank account every week of the school year. The high school’s mechatornics program is a combination of mechanical, electrical and electronic engineering. The school started up the program back in the fall. Though Steven has it figured out now, he didn’t know what he was going to do post-graduation.
“Growing up you always get told what are you going to do?” said Steven. “Eventually, it gets kind of upsetting for a junior or a senior, and you say, ‘I don’t know, I don’t have a plan.'”
You don’t have to know what will capture your attention. When it does, hold onto it.
“Ever since then, I’ve known where my life is going to go and i have a future that does not leave me in poverty.”
On the path to his future, Steven will start a technical training program at Baker College this fall. He’ll start his first day on the job as early as the middle of June.