Boys and Girls Club offers summer programs
ALPENA, Mich. — The Boys and Girls Club has a number of tools to help young people keep their minds sharp over summer break.
Unit Director Jennifer Dingman said the club has science programs, math and reading programs, and field trips. She said the club tries to integrate learning with games and activities.
“While playing basketball, they may have to shoot 10 hoops and then see how many they get out of that 10. So then they would be using fractions.”
And the teenagers have multiple volunteer opportunities every week, with groups ranging from Habitat for Humanity to Huron Pines. Catherine Knoch, Youth Volunteer Director, lists some upcoming projects.
“[We’re working with] the DNR helping build trails; [with] Habitat for Humanity helping build ramps for seniors and veterans; and Great Lakes: Great Responsibility helping with their goal of picking up one million pieces of trash.”
Registration for volunteering closes Wednesday, June 9.
You can sign up online or get a form from the clubhouse.