Alpena Township Fire Department Hopes for New Millage this Tuesday
On the ballot for Tuesday, the Alpena Township Fire Department is asking for a new millage.
They’re asking for an increase to 3 mills that would give them the funds needed to make improvements.
That includes infrastructure. The two fire stations were built in the 50’s and 60’s and are in need of some repairs. They also cannot fit all of the equipment the fire department uses.
They’re also in need of firefighters. Currently, there are four full time staff members and Fire Chief Mark Hansen on the payroll. They need a staff of nine to meet the standards of the national fire protection association.
Changes to the department will need to be made if the millage is not passed on Tuesday. “If we don’t pass the millage, obviously with everything else out there, there’s going to have to be some kind of cutback or reduction just to maintain operations,” said Hansen.