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Alpena Senior Citizens Center hosted a Dementia walk around the river in downtown Alpena to spread awareness about Dementia and raise funds.

“So today was our first ever, Dementia walk here at the Alpena Senior Citizen Center. And the biggest part about it is, It’s at the center. We are becoming Dementia trained and certified and educated on different programs and services here to offer to those people living with Dementia as well as their caregivers” said Annie Hepburn, Director of Alpena Senior Citizens Center.

“I think it was amazing, it was nice weather, it was fun. A lot of conversation, a lot of laughs and we walked the whole river. So a little over a mile as a group” said Hepburn.

In addition to promoting cognitive health, Alpena Senior Citizens Center promotes physical fitness and offers free classes to the community at their location every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10a.m. to 11a.m.